Electromagnetic Research Methods
Electromagnetic research methods in geology and geophysics are used to study the electromagnetic properties of the Earth’s crust and subsurface. These methods are based on the interaction of electromagnetic fields with various geological objects and allow obtaining information about the structure, composition and properties of rocks, as well as the presence of minerals and other natural objects. In this article we will review the main technologies and applications of electromagnetic research methods.
Electromagnetic induction
Electromagnetic induction is used to measure the electromagnetic properties of rocks and other geologic objects. This technique involves creating an alternating magnetic field and measuring the electric currents and voltages induced in it. Electromagnetic induction is used in a variety of applications including mineral prospecting, hydrogeologic conditions, and geologic structure studies.
Electromagnetic probing
Electromagnetic probing is used to measure the electromagnetic parameters of the earth’s crust at various depths. This method can estimate the electrical resistivity of rocks and identify areas of altered electrical conductivity that may indicate the presence of minerals or other geologic features.
Electromagnetic tomography
Electromagnetic tomography is used to create three-dimensional images of the electromagnetic properties of the Earth’s crust. This technique allows visualization of the structure and composition of rocks and identifies various geological objects at different depths. Electromagnetic tomography is widely used in exploration and mining, as well as in hydrogeology and engineering surveys.
Electromagnetic surface sensing
Electromagnetic surface sensing is used to investigate the electromagnetic properties of the earth’s crust at the earth’s surface. This method can detect electromagnetic conductivity anomalies that may indicate the presence of minerals, geologic faults, and other geologic features.
Electromagnetic research methods are widely used in various fields including geology, geophysics, geochemistry, hydrogeology, oil and gas, construction and engineering surveys. They play an important role in mineral exploration and production, study of geologic structure, evaluation of hydrogeologic conditions, and prediction of geologic processes.
In general, electromagnetic research methods represent a powerful tool for studying and predicting various geologic processes and phenomena. Their wide range of applications makes them an important component of modern science and technology in geology and geophysics.