5 Reasons Why Science Thinks Going to a Concert Is Healthy for You
Music is one of the few things in life that pretty much everyone can swear by. No matter where you live, what your ethnic background is or what kind of preferences you have, you can probably agree that everyone out there falls for a certain type of melodic line.
Music is excellent for the soul and one of the best gifts in the world, even from ancient times. It can help with emotions, boost connections with others and even relieve stress. It’s a creative art that unlocks feelings.
Going to a concert takes it even further, whether you find tickets for your favorite band through Stubhub or perhaps a new genre you’d like to explore. But then, is Stubhub legit https://sites.google.com/site/legitticketsites/stubhub-reviews-2016 when it comes to tickets? Absolutely.
In fact, make sure you only get tickets from reputable vendors or this relaxing experience could quickly become a stressful one. Besides Stubhub, platforms like Viagogo and Ticketmaster are widely recognized for facilitating bulk ticket purchases. Now the question Is Viagogo legit https://sites.google.com/site/legitticketsites/viagogo-reviews to find tickets? Is Ticketmaster legit https://sites.google.com/site/legitticketsites/ticketmaster-reviews as well? Such portals will give you access to lots of tickets, events and shows all over the world.
No stress
If you’ve ever attended a live music event, you’re probably aware of the atmosphere you’ll experience. People you know, as well as strangers, will contribute to this atmosphere. Everyone’s having a good time. Being in such a positive environment will keep your stress under control.
Stress is caused by cortisol, which boosts the release of glucose in your blood. Whatever it is that stresses you, cortisol makes you work harder in order to overcome stress. It could be something related to work or perhaps a DIY project at home.
When going to a concert, you can forget about cortisol because the body is less likely to release it, hence the reduced stress.
Pain relief
It may sound stupid, but going to a concert can actually reduce pain. If you think managing pain implies resting, rather than going out, you should know it depends on what kind of pain bothers you.
From a scientific point of view, when you’re going to a concert, your brain will release endorphins. At this point, endorphins also work against pain. Your perception of pain will naturally decrease.
Burn some calories
Unless you’re going to a jazz or classical music concert, chances are you’ll end up standing, dancing, and even singing along and screaming. Most people don’t see concerts as a type of physical activity, but they can definitely help in this direction.
If you feel exhausted after attending such a concert, it’s because of the workout. Just the fact that you’re moving, jumping and dancing for hours will burn lots of calories in the process. No one pays attention to this aspect, but it’s pure science.
Fight depression
Music is ideal for the soul and can help people in a lot of different ways. Music can also trigger a melancholic feeling, so it obviously depends on what music you’re into. Picking the right type of music or going to a concert can uplift your spirits and show you there are plenty of positive experiences out there.
Live music is excellent when you feel like no matter how hard you try, problems can’t be fixed. It sounds crazy, but live concerts will help you explore a feeling of happiness, get a positive vibe and perhaps see the bigger image.
Better brain function
Music does help people focus or perhaps relax, but science claims its benefits go further than that. Going to a concert can and will actually help your brain by boosting its overall function.
It’s one thing to listen to your favorite music on a set of headphones and a different thing to explore the real life experience. Your brain faces a new experience, full of creativity and happiness. Live music will also unlock certain parts of your brain, something no other activity can do.
As if all these were not enough, live music boosts neurogenesis, a process that implies the development of new neurons throughout the brain. More neurons will give your brain better functionality. If you want to make sure your brain keeps active and doesn’t struggle with memory loss, go to a concert.
Bottom line, live music and concerts aren’t all about entertainment. While that’s the primary goal, entertainment also comes with a series of health related benefits over your body, some of them more obvious than others.